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An adequate intake of iron is essential for robust health and high energy. Its major role is keeping the blood oxygen-rich and is found in all body cells. When iron-deficient cells do not get enough oxygen, fatigue, exhaustion, and stress results. The herbs in this formula are rich in calcium, iron, and other vitamins and minerals. Taken regularly, they support normal digestion, liver function, and absorption of essential minerals and vitamins. 

Iron Tonic

PriceFrom $12.00
Excluding Sales Tax |
  • Contains: Nettle Leaf, Yellow Dock Root, Alfalfa Leaf, Spirulina, Burdock Root, Dandylion Root, Organic Atlantic Kelp, Lambsquarters Leaf, Certified Organic, Raw, Unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar, and Cane Alchohol. 

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